Monday, March 05, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

My client has contacted suddenly that she wants the "News & Notices" taken out of the design as it is no longer needed, she wants the "Discography" page and the "Video Clips" page placed onto the same page and rename it as "Discography & Multimedia" as she wants to save the number of pages on the website, also she wants to introduce a new page into the website, which will be called "Fan-mail"; where she wants the fans to be able to contact the band via a form. She has requested for many changes suddenly during the making; which means that I will need to make big changes with the Gantt Chart.

Originally my design was to have the navigation buttons in a row below the banner; however my client has contacted me, where she wants the navigation buttons to be placed into a column on the left of all the web pages excluding the home page.

Unit 14: Developing and creating a website

Therefore, in the blog of: "Thursday, November 09, 2006"; where I found a tutorial from
which showed how to create a Flash menu navigation column.

Therefore, using this tutorial to help me as well as my experience with creating rollovers from Unit 11: Multimedia,
I began to create the navigation column, for all the webpages excluding the home page; where the navigation buttons have already been created in the graphics process.

Using the two sets of navigation buttons, I have attempted to produce them onto Macromedia Flash 8.0, where I have to import all the files onto the stage, where I had to type in certain actionscripts and use certain layers, to portray the rollover effect. However, as I wanted the navigation buttons to be linked to the specified webpage of the website, I had to enter a certain actionscript where it should open up the webpage (.html file) linked to that certain navigation button.

In the print screen above, it shows the script I had to enter into the action window in Macromedia Flash; where it had to be inserted for each of the buttons I was to use, in the example shown above the script is linked to the home page as the script was designed to be placed for the home page navigation button. This script was used for all the buttons I inserted into the navigation column in Macromedia Flash, all I had to change was the URL of the page it was to be linked to.

Macromedia Flash created navigation buttons:

First print screen is of the navigation buttons created on Macromedia Flash, where when I clicked on the home page button (highlighted in blue), it gave me a blank page (second printscreen)

However, when I imported this flash document into the webpage in Macromedia Dreamweaver; the navigation menu doesn't work as when I clicked onto the buttons the pages do not load. Therefore, I have to contact my client about this issue of the navigation


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