Saturday, February 10, 2007

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

Using the bevel effect tutorial in the previous blog of: "Friday, February 09, 2007" I have used this to produce the two sets of navigations buttons for all the web pages excluding the home page in Adobe Photoshop CS2. I will be producing two sets of navigation buttons, this is because the first set will be for before the mouse hovers across it; therefore the font will stay grey. The second set of navigation buttons will be when the mouse hovers on the button; therefore the font will change from grey to blue. I need to make sure that all of the buttons are saved in GIF format and not JPEG format, as the quality wouldn't be as good, once it is imported into Macromedia Flash if it was in JPEG format.

Both sets will have the same design, colours and fonts used as well as the height of the buttons (35 pixels); it is just the font colour of the two sets will be different. The design of the buttons is very similar to the banner I created previously, its just the shape of the buttons is more rectangle than the other and the background colour is a lot lighter; but the procedures in create a bevel effect button is the same as the procedure I did creating the banner and the procedures shown in the tutorial:

In the print screen below, it shows an example of the two sets of buttons I need to produce for the navigation bar:


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