Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

Today, I will be starting to create the home page; where originally it is stated on the Gantt Chart, I should be starting to create the home page on the 05/03/07, however I will be starting to create the home page ahead of the Gantt Chart by 5 days. I have already consulted my client about this, and she is fine with the change. I have started to create the home page, 5 days before the scheduled date because I didn' t have to use any Cascading Style Sheets or create any and upload anything onto the server, also because I finished creating the graphics ahead of the schedule. Therefore, I am hoping to finish the whole project early than its scheduled date.

Unit 14: Developing and creating a website

According to the order of creating the website, I am starting with the home page first. The home page is very straight forward as there is no template required for this page, also I will be using the graphic I created previously for the background image of the home page; where I also need to set the background colour to black, as the text navigation buttons will be in white font colour first; where they will change colour from white to blue when hovered. As the design of the navigation buttons are different compared to all the other web pages as the navigation buttons doesn't match the background I have used for the home page; therefore in the design, it is shown that the navigation buttons will be just text rollovers created in Macromedia Dreamweaver.

To create the text rollovers, I followed a tutorial from

Using this tutorial, it gave me a step by step guide into how to create Flash text rollovers; where I found it very straightforward to do, as I had to enter the text of the rollover and select the inital colour (white) and the hovered colour (blue), where it had to be linked to the blank corresponding web pages I created in the previous blog. All of these Flash text rollovers were inserted into a table of 0 pixels border beforehand, this is because I wanted to make sure that all of the rollovers were placed in the same alignment.