Monday, February 19, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

I have received comments and confirmation about the graphics I created for my client's website; where she has said that she thinks they look professional, especially the background image of the home page and the banner. Therefore, with her confirmation I can now start to create the templates of the web pages.

Previously in blog: "Tuesday, October 03, 2007", I have stated all my research I have found into creating templates; where I have already explained that they have two different regions required in a template, these were: editable regions and uneditable regions.

Unit 14: Developing and creating website

I have created a template, which will be suitable for all web pages; excluding the home page. I will not be creating a template for the home page, because the home page is just a one-off design, unlike the other web pages where they all have the same basic features; i.e. the same grey gradient background and banner. I have used editable regions for the navigation buttons, because even though they are all in the same consistent order on all webpages, the colours of the navigation buttons varies as each web page will have one button that will just have blue font colour e.g. if it is on the background information page, the background information navigation button will only display blue on the button as it will not change colour when the mouse hovers over. I have also inserted editable regions for the contents of information to be placed there.


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