Saturday, February 17, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

In the blog: "Friday, February 09, 2007", I have stated that I had to change the order of the Gantt Chart slightly; as my client has requested to see all the graphics before I start creating the pages of the website. Therefore the schedule of the graphics had to be shifted from 19/02/07 to 09/02/07; where I previously stated that I will finish the graphics on 23/02/07, instead of the original date 03/03/07. So the section for creating blank pages have shifted after creating the graphics.

However, I will need to make more new changes to the Gantt Chart, as I have finished creating the graphics today; this means I have finished a week early almost. As my client informed me that she would like to see all the graphics before they are being used in the website, as she wants to make sure they are created professionally and perfect; therefore I have emailed her all the graphics I have created: Navigation buttons, Background image of home page, preview icons of Gallery page and the Profiles images. I am hoping to receive her confirmation and comments about the graphics I have created, so that I can start creating the templates and pages of the websites soon.


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