Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

In the previous blog: "Monday, February 12, 2007", I have cloned and removed the Vogue Logo off the image. I now need to add texture and text to the image; where I learnt how to add texture and blend the texture into the image from:

In the print screen above, it shows the image I will blend into with the chosen texture; where I have to layer the two together and change the lighting for it to suit the outcome of the two images blended together. I had to adjust the lighting till I was happy with how the image looked like blended with the texture. After, I had to place the text onto the blended image, these were "Dong Bang Shin Ki" and "the rising gods of the east". Both of these text will be in two different fonts; "Dong Bang Shin Ki" was in a downloaded font called "Vaguely Replusive", which was in a white font colour; and "the rising gods of the east" was also in a downloaded font called "Hannibal Lecter", which was in a grey font colour.

The outcome of the background image for the home page was:


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