Friday, February 16, 2007

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

Once I have created the preview icons for the Gallery page, I need to edit the images of each memeber for the Profiles page; where I need to place each of their names to the corresponding profile image. All of the text on the images has a grey outline around the white text; where I have used the stroke effect to create this. I already had the knowledge to use the stroke effect, therefore no tutorials was needed to teach me how to create this effect.

I have used the images that my client has provided me for the Profiles page; where she has labelled each of the image files to the corresponding member's name, this is so that it was easier for me to identify each of the members when placing the names onto the profile images. My client has specifically stated that she wants their stage name as well as their korean name on the images.

The fonts used on the images is a downloaded font called Saginaw; where it is in a white font with a grey outline. As stated before; the outline was created by selecting the stroke effect, which is under the layer blending option in Adobe Photoshop CS2. This was done to all five profile images of each members:


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