Friday, February 09, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

According to the Gantt Chart, I was originally suppose to start creating the graphics on the 19/02/07; as before creating the graphics I should be starting to be creating blank web pages of the website. However, I decided it was best to create the graphics first as these take longer to create than the blank web pages; also because my client has contacted me that she would like to see all the graphics used before it is being inserted into the website. Therefore from the schedule of 19/02/07, it has now shifted 10 days earlier to 09/02/07; where hopefully the creating of graphics will finish 23/02/07 instead of the planned 03/03/07 date.

According to the Gantt Chart, I will need to design the: logo, banner, buttons for navigation, images for the website and flash features; however according to the design now, I will just need to design the banner, buttons for navigations and the images used for the website. Therefore, there are some changes needed to be done to the Gantt chart.

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

I have started to create the banner on Adobe Photoshop CS2; where the design of the banner will be a curved rectangle with a grey gradient as its background and a 3D effect. To create the 3D round effect, I have decided to use the bevel effect on the shape. I got this 3D bevel effect idea from here:

Using the tutorial link, I have used that to produce the banner for the website, where this can be seen in the print screen below. I have used the fonts of Wicker SSH and Hannibal Lecter to produce the text; where I have used a dotted line brush to create the decorations as well as the filled the top layer of the banner with diagonal lines to create a more "Mac" effect.


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