Monday, February 12, 2007

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

My client has given me a 1024 x 768 image of Dong Bang Shin Ki, where it is a photoshoot from Vogue. She wants me to use this image as the background image of the home page; however I need to perform some graphic editing as there is a Vogue logo on the image, where it is required for it to be removed off the image. I will also need to improve the aesthetic of the image; this will be using textures and different lightings in the layers using Adobe Photoshop CS2.

In order to remove the Vogue logo, as it is seen in the print screen above; I was taught to use the clone tool in Unit 11: Multimedia. Using the clone tool, I can select an area on the image which you want to use to cover up the logo; the area I selected was the section near the logo, this was the grey areas. I had to be careful with where I was cloning, as I had to take into account that the area I selected had to have the same colour and contrast. I found the easiest area to clone was the grey sections; the most difficult area to clone was the section that had the logo over the shadows and the shoe.


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