Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Unit 14- Developing and creating websites:

I have done some research into domain names and web hosting as this will be required in order for visitors to look at my client's website. I have researched into:

  • Domain Names
  • DNS and IP
  • Different types of web extensions there are and what each of them meant, i.e. ""
  • Web hosting

I have investigated into two different domain buying websites, where my client has specifically want the domain name to be as Dong Bang Shin Ki is what my client's chosen band is called. Using my client's chosen domain name, I have searched for its availability on the two domain buying websites I have researched.

I have researched into Low Cost Names website and Telvio website; both of these websites provide not only a domain name service but also a web hosting service. After comparing the two websites, my client has decided to go with the Telvio Company, this is because she has stated that the cost of the domain name and web hosting is cheaper compared to Low Cost Names, also Telvio has more features available for domain names as well as has many different types of plans available for web hosting. However as my client wanted a cheaper domain name and web hosting package, I have researched further into this where I have shown her the different web hosting plans that she can have from different websites, i.e. I have shown her that there is a free web hosting service on However, she has stated that she doesn't like the domain name they provide as it will have to be, also the fact that the monthly bandwidth and web space is very small.

After researching a number of web hosting packages including domain, I have found an ideal one for my client, which is the one from Tripod Lycos, as it provides the largest monthly bandwidth and web space, it is also the cheapest out of all the other packages I have researched, where it has more features provided.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

I have finished all of the inital designs of the website; where according to the Gantt Chart, the next client consultation will be on 05/02/07; therefore I will need to contact my client to inform the designs are finished and book for another consultation of the designs.

According to the designs of my client's website, there will be pop-up window features placed on certain images of the web pages.

Therefore today I have been learning how to insert pop-up windows into the website; where I have found a useful website called Entheosweb, where they have a range of Dreamweaver tutorials not just for pop-up windows. The tutorial for pop-up windows is a JavaScript, where the tutorial is very straightforward, as I have learnt that in order to insert a pop-up window; I need to insert a "Open Window Browser Behavior", also not only do I need to insert the behavior but I also need to create the page (this will be the pop-up window) for the image to link to; where the image will have the URL of the page for it to open when the user clicks onto the image.

Link to pop-up windows tutorial on Entheosweb:

Monday, January 22, 2007

Unit 9- Project Planning

After successfully completing the first client consultation finally, the following next task on my Gantt chart is creating the storyboards of the website based on the consultation information, as well as creating the flowchart of the navigation. The pages my client has stated she wants are: Home page, Background Information with Profiles, News & Notices, Discography, Gallery and Video Clips. I will be creating the storyboards and the flowchart of navigation of the stated pages; where it will be required to be finished by 27/01/07

Friday, January 19, 2007

Unit 14- Developing and creating websites

I have had my first client consultation where I have discussed the following:

  • The needs of the website and who it is aimed at
  • The style and colour scheme wanted
  • The name of the website, i.e. the web address (Domain)
  • What the website must and should contain
  • Whether or not my client would want any special features for the website, such as flash music player
  • Any ideas on how the website should look like
  • Any ideas on how the navigation bar should look like
  • When the deadline for the website must be finished in

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning:

The project had to be postponed for a month; this was because of other projects from other subjects I had to handle with, also mainly because my client wasn’t available till January. Therefore, I have now finalised my Gantt chart, where my first consultation with my client will be on the 19th January 2007, where I am hoping she will be able to come to this third attempt of consultation; where I will be using the questionnaire I have prepared for the consultation early on the 9th November 2006. This questionnaire features what the client wants in the website, what kind of impressions they want when they first see the website and which market group the website is aimed at.

Print Screen of Gantt chart: