Monday, March 12, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

According to the Gantt Chart, I should be creating the Discography page today; where it is said that I will finish the page by tommorow (13/03/07), however I think it will take longer now because my client previously requested that she wants the multimedia section to be also in Discography page, therefore this means I need to insert more contents. I estimate that I will finish the new "Discography & Multimedia" page by 15/03/07.

Unit 14: Developing and creating a website

I am now starting to create the "Discography & Multimedia" page, according to the designs. I inserted the template of the web page; where I had to insert all of the navigation buttons via using the "Insert Rollover Image" option. I didn't follow any tutorials to create these rollover buttons; as I found this option whilst I was experimenting the program before I started to create the website. The rollover buttons were the navigation buttons that I created in Adobe Photoshop CS2 whilst I was creating all my graphics.

When using the "Rollover Image" option, I had to select the first set of the button (Original image) and then I had to select the second set of the button (Rollover image); the original image was the buttons that had the grey font colour and the rollover image was the button that had the blue font colour. I had to do this for all of the buttons where they were to be inserted into the first editable region of the template; however I had to make sure the "Discography & Multimedia" button had the navigation button that did not change colour, and just stayed with the blue font colour as this is part of the design; therefore when I had to do the rollover image option, the original image and the rollover image was the same as each other.

The layout is similar to the "Background Information" page, where I had to insert a scroll box using the codes I found from:

The codes I have inserted are: (1st code: is for the div in the body, 2nd code: is for the css in the head)
Instead of using text in the scroll box, I had to insert all of the singles and album covers into the scroll box; this is what it looks like so far:


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