Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Unit 14: Developing and creating a website

I need to finish off the "Discography & Multimedia" page, as in the previous blog I have just inserted the navigation buttons and the images of singles/albums covers. In the design, I have said that under each of the CD covers, there was to be a pop-up window of information about the chosen CD i.e. tracklists. I have researched into how to create these pop-up windows; where I have found that I have to insert "Behaviors" into each of the image; where under each "Behavior" option, I had to select "Open Browser Windows". I also found that I had to create more web pages for the pop-up windows to be linked to. This meant I had to make all the web pages of the CD covers I had in the scroll box; where each of these web pages will feature tracklists of the CD and an image of the CD.

I learnt to create this pop-up windows technique from CBT Cafe:, where the steps in the tutorials are very straightforward. I had to select the image, where I was to select the "Open Browser Windows" Option under "Behaviors"; where I had to adjust the window to 500 x 500 pixels, with scrollbar; I also had to make sure it was linked to the correct URL of the web page for the image. This was done to all of the CD covers that was in the scroll box.

I had to insert the fade in/fade out effect on all the CD covers; where I have learnt this skill from , where the effect is called Gradual Highlight Image Script.

In the tutorial, they have given me two sets of html, where the first html must be placed after the "head" tag; and the other html is to be placed inside each html codes of the CD covers.

This is the html that had to be placed after the "head" tag:

Once I copied and pasted the html into the head tag; I had to insert the html which creates the fade in/fade out effect, where I had to insert this html into the "img" tags of each CD covers:

Once all the fade in/fade effects have been inserted, I had to insert the video clips; by inserting Plugins. However, I found that I couldn't insert more than one music video as it wasn't avaliable in the option, also because I found the web page loaded very slowly; therefore I have already contacted my client about this issue and she is fine with it. She has chosen Dong Bang Shin Ki's latest music video: "Free Your Mind" as the video clip to be played on the web page.

This is the final outcome of the "Discography & Multimedia" page:


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