Thursday, March 15, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

As I have finished the "Profiles" and "Discography & Multimedia" page, I have contacted my client with previews of the pages, where she will be able to comment and give any improvements needed for the website.

According to the Gantt chart, it is said that I should be creating the Gallery page on 13/03/07, however because the "Discography & Multimedia" page took a long time to create due to the number of pop-up windows I had to create, place into the images and the fade in/fade out effects; it took longer than excepted. Therefore, today I will be creating the Gallery page; where I will need to make more adjustments to the Gantt Chart.

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

Today, I will be creating the Gallery page; where I first inserted the template onto the blank web page; where I had to insert all of the navigation buttons via using the "Insert Rollover Image" option. I didn't follow any tutorials to create these rollover buttons; as I found this option whilst I was experimenting the program before I started to create the website. The rollover buttons were the navigation buttons that I created in Adobe Photoshop CS2 whilst I was creating all my graphics.

When using the "Rollover Image" option, I had to select the first set of the button (Original image) and then I had to select the second set of the button (Rollover image); the original image was the buttons that had the grey font colour and the rollover image was the button that had the blue font colour. I had to do this for all of the buttons where they were to be inserted into the first editable region of the template; however I had to make sure the "Gallery" button had the navigation button that did not change colour, and just stayed with the blue font colour as this is part of the design; therefore when I had to do the rollover image option, the original image and the rollover image was the same as each other.

Once all of the navigation buttons, I had to insert all of the 18 preview icons onto the Gallery webpage; where I had to the fade in/fade out effect on all of the preview icons using the html I found from:

I had to insert the first set of html after the "head" tag:

Once I copied and pasted the html into the head tag; I had to insert the html which creates the fade in/fade out effect, where I had to insert this html into the "img" tags of each preview icon:

Once all the fade in/fade out effects were done to all of the preview icons; I had to place pop-up window options into each of the preview icons; where instead of having web-pages linked to the pop-up window, I will be using the original images of the preview icon as the pop-up window. Where under the "Open Browser Window" option, instead of using the URL of the webpage, I will using the URL of the original image of the preview icon. The process is exactly the same as the process of creating pop-up windows for the "Discography & Multimedia" page, which can be seen in 14/03/07 blog as they both are taken from the tutorial of:

There is no music present on the page, as I will need to finish all the web pages before I can insert the music onto the pages.


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