Saturday, January 27, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

I have finished all of the inital designs of the website; where according to the Gantt Chart, the next client consultation will be on 05/02/07; therefore I will need to contact my client to inform the designs are finished and book for another consultation of the designs.

According to the designs of my client's website, there will be pop-up window features placed on certain images of the web pages.

Therefore today I have been learning how to insert pop-up windows into the website; where I have found a useful website called Entheosweb, where they have a range of Dreamweaver tutorials not just for pop-up windows. The tutorial for pop-up windows is a JavaScript, where the tutorial is very straightforward, as I have learnt that in order to insert a pop-up window; I need to insert a "Open Window Browser Behavior", also not only do I need to insert the behavior but I also need to create the page (this will be the pop-up window) for the image to link to; where the image will have the URL of the page for it to open when the user clicks onto the image.

Link to pop-up windows tutorial on Entheosweb:


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