Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

As I stated in all of the past blogs that the music will be created last after I have created all the pages of my client's website. I am already behind schedule because the "Discography & Multimedia" page took the longest to create, also because of the previous adjustment to the website in the beginning of the project. I should already have finished the project by now and tested it, evaluated with my client as my project deadline on the inital Gantt chart was 20/03/07. As I still need to create the music feature, the schedule has been added an extra week or so; where I have already contacted my client about this issue.

Originally, I stated in blog "Tuesday, November 28, 2006", I have found a suitable music player to be inserted into the website, where they have a choice of four different players, for which I chose to use the Multi Track Music Player:

The instructions given for this music player looked fairly straightforward; however when I attempted to create this into my client's website, it was too complicated to do as I had to upload the mp3 files for it to be able to retrieve a URL to place into the HTML, also because there were so many different tags I had to use in order for it to work, that it became too complicated and confusing.

Therefore due to this, I have decided to just insert background music, where I have already contacted my client about this issue and she has allowed me to use background music on the website, instead of the music player; even though intentionally she wanted a music player just like the one I found on As I can only have one track playing on each page, my client has chosen "Miss You Ballad Version" as the background music that will play throughout the website.

I found a suitable tutorial for inserting background music into a web page; this is from:

This tutorial is very straightforward and easy to follow, where in order to insert background music into the web page, I would need to create the music file in Macromedia Flash. I had to import my selected soundtrack into the flash document. Once, I saved the flash document, I had to import this flash document into Macromedia Dreamweaver, where I had to change the background of the flash document for it to match the background on the webpage. This process was done to all of the web pages excluding the "Discography & Multimedia" page.


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