Friday, April 13, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

I have finished my client's website on 21st March 2007; where according to the Gantt Chart, I should have already finished everything including the testing and final consultation with the client before I upload it onto the server. However because I was busy with other projects of other subjects, therefore I could only start with the testing today. Therefore, I have requested an extra week with the project, where I have already contacted my client about this.

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

Originally, in my Gantt Chart, it is said that I will be testing each features for all of the web pages I have done for my client's website. However, my teacher has given me an outline to what I should be testing on the website, which is different with what I planned on testing originally.

The areas I will need to test on for each of the web pages are:

I also had to create a test plan; where I had to test on the features I used on my client's website such as rollover buttons, video clip, music, image effects.


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