Monday, February 05, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

I have already shown them to my client in the second client consultation. She is pleased with all of the designs I have made, however she wanted some areas changed, this was:
  • Originally, in the initial design of the "Background Information" page; there was to be also profiles of each of the members included on the page as well; however my client felt that there was too much information on the page, and it looked very packed together. Therefore she wanted the profiles section to be separate to the "Background Information" page, which meant I had to make a design for the Profiles page
Instead of having to research all the images of Dong Bang Shin Ki as well as the music and music videos of Dong Bang Shin Ki; my client has informed that she will provide all these. Therefore, the section on the Gantt Chart of "Research on Content, Images and Multimedia" will be taken out of the Gantt chart as this is no longer needed now, so further adjustment to the Gantt chart is needed.

I will now need to design the Profiles page before finalising the design on 07/02/07 according to the Gantt chart.


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