Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Unit 9: Project Planning:

Today, I have been given a new task of producing a preparatory report into current working practices. This task involves lots of research into:

  • What kinds of things should be present in a website for a band especially for Korean bands; this will be done by looking at current existing Korean band websites
  • How commercial web design companies approach a new project; I will be looking into at least two commercial web design companies to understand the normal processes of website developmen
  • The ICT skills of my client, where I would need to look into the level of ICT skills my client has, and judge on whether training will be required for my client on how to keep the website up to date, and whether support materials such as user guides will need to be produced.

I will be researching into current existing websites of Korean bands, where I will need to research into the types of features are featured on all Korean bands’ websites, as well as the sort of pages that are similarly featured on all Korean bands’ websites. I will be looking at the features on the websites, where I will use this as inspirations for the features I would want on my client’s website; also I would need to take into account whether I will be able to do these types of features.

I will be looking into two commercial web-design companies, where I have already chosen these to be: “Level Ten Design” and “Perfect Blue”. With the chosen two commercial web-design companies, I will be able to research into how these two companies approach new projects i.e. looking into the procedures involved with a new project such as having client consultations. Using the research I will find on the two commercial web-design companies, I will take into account on how I will need to plan my own website project for my client. I have chosen “Perfect Blue” to be discussed with other students: Shahzadi and Naraini; during the discussion I will look at the techniques required for the processes of a new project, Naraini will look at prices and Shahzadi will look at the enquiry forms of the website.

I will be also need to state a summary of my client’s technical skill levels, where using the information I have about my client’s technical skill levels; I will be able to reflect on the different issues my client will have with the website due to my client’s level of technical skills. These can be from the use of Macromedia Dreamweaver to JavaScript.

Not only will I need to consider the different issues my client will have with the website; but I also need to take into account the sort of issues I will likely come across such as: Technical issues, website development issues, client issues.

I have been already informed that my client is Sally Ly, who has requested that she wanted a website of a Korean band. This is all the information I have been given so far, however further and detailed information will be informed later on after the client consultation I will have.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Unit 9 ICT Blog Start

This is the start of Unit 9 blogging; I will be covering what I have been doing relating with Unit 9 and Unit 14. The points I will need to cover within the blogs are:

  • Any ICT Skills and techniques that I have developed and researched into
  • Any aspect of my ICT skills and techniques that I can think of a way to develop
  • Relating Unit 14 back to the Gantt chart and see if I am following the time I have planned, or whether any changes were made with the time on the Gantt chart
  • The day-to-day issues that I had to/will overcome dealing with Unit 9 and Unit 14
  • Any complex issues I had to deal with
  • Any long term issues I had to deal with
  • Reflecting on my roles and actions, as well as my performances with each week