Friday, April 20, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

As I have had an extra week to finish the project, I have finally completed the testing and already contacted my client; where we also have had our final consultation of the website. My client is pleased with the outcome of the website, where she thought it looked better than she imagined it to be in the designs.

After the final consultation with my client of the website; I have now uploaded it onto the server, ready for visitors to use now; therefore Dong Bang Shin Ki Online is now complete and finished.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Unit 9: Project Planning

I have finished my client's website on 21st March 2007; where according to the Gantt Chart, I should have already finished everything including the testing and final consultation with the client before I upload it onto the server. However because I was busy with other projects of other subjects, therefore I could only start with the testing today. Therefore, I have requested an extra week with the project, where I have already contacted my client about this.

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

Originally, in my Gantt Chart, it is said that I will be testing each features for all of the web pages I have done for my client's website. However, my teacher has given me an outline to what I should be testing on the website, which is different with what I planned on testing originally.

The areas I will need to test on for each of the web pages are:

I also had to create a test plan; where I had to test on the features I used on my client's website such as rollover buttons, video clip, music, image effects.