Thursday, November 09, 2006

Unit 9: Project Planning

My Gantt Chart of my client’s website is now ready and complete for it to be shown in tomorrow’s first client consultation; also the client questionnaire has been finalised and completed too.

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

I have now started to look at another website for Flash and Dreamweaver tutorials: . From this website I found some interesting effects for navigation menus, where on in particular was the Flash Navigation Menu Bar tutorial, which involved with the use of rollover buttons. From the outcome shown on the website, it looks very professional and modern; where I think would be effective if used on my website. The feature I liked about this menu was when the mouse hovers across a button, the button will light up and display the title of the page it is linked to; this feature will need to be created in Macromedia Flash, where I believe I wouldn’t have any problems in creating this as the tutorial for this navigation menu is very well explained and is said to only take 10 minutes to create on button; in addition I have previously done some rollover buttons before in Macromedia Flash for Unit 11- Multimedia; therefore I am quite familiar with the process in create rollover buttons and its terminology. Also from reading the tutorial, it shows that none of the buttons will be created beforehand in Adobe Photoshop, where everything will be done in Macromedia Flash.

In the print screen below, it shows how the navigation menu looks like when the mouse hovers across and the button up.


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