Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites:

I have been given back my first draft with feedback of Unit 14- "[AO4]: An evaluation of commercial websites that have been downloaded", where the feedback states that this piece of work is going in the right direction and it going towards 5/6 marks. To improve the mark, I will need to do is finish the task with the second website analysis and improve the pointers that my teacher has given, these are to make more detailed explanation of the features I will be using and won't be using for my own website. In the previous blog, I have stated I would hope to receive the feedback on the 11th Oct; however, due to the teacher's absent, I was not able to receive it till today (17th Oct).

Today, I have been learning the different HTML codes that represent different styles and functions from http://www.w3schools.com/default.asp. From this website, not only did I find the meaning and the types of HTML codes available, I also learnt how to make use of JavaScript into my website as well as the meaning of JavaScript.

( ^ click for larger view of this paragraph, it had to be placed into an image file as Blogger couldn't accept the examples of html as it interfered with the function of their facility)

There are a number of basic HTML tags that I would find useful to be placed into the website: (click for a larger view of the HTML list)

( ^ click for larger view of this paragraph, it had to be placed into an image file as Blogger couldn't accept the examples of html as it interfered with the function of their facility)


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