Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Unit 9: Project Planning:

"[AO2] A preparatory report into current working practice" for web design is still under going. I have been researching into current professional web-design companies, and find out how website design companies approach a new project. I have been told that task AO2 will be needed to be handed into on 15th November 2006.

For this task, I have found that the processes of a new project via researching on the two commercial web-design companies of “Level Ten Design” and “Perfect Blue” are very similar as both commercial web-design companies require:

  • To contact the client either by telephone or email about their requirements of the website.
  • After contacting the client with the requirements of their website, the company i.e. web designers will go and research into their client’s requirements to see if there are any features that are possible to fulfil the client’s expectations, this can be looking at current existing band websites for inspirations of features; this also included with the cost of a domain name and hosting package, as all clients will give a budget of the amount they would like to spend on their website to the web designers, the budget goes along with the specification of the website.
  • Once the web designers have found suitable features/packages for the client’s website, they will contact the client to show what is available for the client to choose from, so the client can agree with what web designers have found.
  • Once the client has agreed with the web designers’ findings, they will go ahead with setting up the website; this includes:
    • Registering or purchasing a domain name and web hosting package for the client
  • Produce the initial designs and the layouts of the client’s website
    • Ideas of graphics the client would like on the website, or the client would provide the graphics for the web-designer to manipulate with

  • The client is then contacted with the initial designs, to either view the designs online or have a client consultation of the initial designs. Once the client is happy with the designs, the web designers will go and produce the website according to the designs
  • Once the website is all finished and has been tested by the client, it is then uploaded to the client’s web hosting account
Using the the topics that I, Shazadi and Naraini have discussed about "Perfect Blue"; these were looking at the techniques they used first (this was done by myself), whereas Shahzadi looked enquiry forms and Naraini looked at the prices. Using the information we found, we brought it together into one conclusion, where I will be producing a report of analysis of this web design practice, also I have chosen a web design practice of my own to analyse in the report by myself.

The final deadline for the full project Unit 9 and Unit 14, will needed to be due in on the 4th April 2007.


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