Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Unit 9: Project Planning:

I have started to create my Gantt chart using GanttProject software. I will be planning out what I will be doing from the start of the project to the end of the project, i.e. consulting with the client of what they want, till the end of the making, which will be evaluating the website with the client. The Gantt chart is for me to have an idea of what to except in a band’s website like the pages it will need to have such as Profiles, Discography etc. The Gantt chart is for me to have a rough idea of how to plan out the project before having my first consultation with my client. I will also need to create a Critical Path Analysis based on the Gantt chart, where I would need to calculate roughly the earliest time and the latest time of completion of each of the tasks in the Gantt chart; the Critical Path Analysis will be created once the Gantt chart has been finalised. I found the GanttProject software easy to use and straightforward; however the disadvantage of this software is that it doesn’t let me set the dates on the weekends.

Currently, I am preparing for my consultation with my client, this is by creating a questionnaire for my client Sally Ly; where they can fill in and tell me what their requirements are with the website that they want. My consultation with my client is planned to be on
10th November 2006, according to the Gantt chart shown.


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