Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

After receiving feedback for "[AO4]: An evaluation of commercial websites that have been downloaded", I have fully finished this task and improved my first draft by reading the feedback given. I will be handing it once I come back from half term, as the final deadline for this task will be 1st November.

I have done more research into Dreamweaver tutorials; where using, I have found a number of different effects to be used for images; where I found one in particular that I found interesting, this was called the “Gradual Highlight Image Script”. This effect is a JavaScript, where it is a script that makes any images appear dull, not at its full opacity before the mouse hovers over it; as the mouse hovers across it, the image will gradually change to its original full opacity. This effect is to be used to instantly add stunning onMouseover effects to the images on the website. I think this effect is very effective and useful; therefore I would like to use it in the website. Not only are there image effects tutorials available on; there were many other tutorials such as for menu/navigation, calendars, mouse and cursors, text animation.

In the print screen below, it shows what the effect looks like when the mouse hovers across the image, for it to reveal its full opacity:

I was particularly interested in the sorts of effects there was available for menu/navigation, there was a wide range of different effects to create a menu/navigation; I was particularly impressed with the “Slide-In Menu Bar I (mouse controlled)”, where using this script it enabled a menu bar that opens/contracts from the left edge of the screen whenever the mouse hovers across the edge of the menu. However, after looking at the technique of how to create this into the website, it looked too complicated as there was a lot of coding needed to placed in different areas of the code window in Macromedia Dreamweaver, also not only having to enter the codes into the different areas of the code window, I would have to configure the menu itself. Therefore I have decided not to use this effect as it is too complicated.

In the print screen below, it shows the slide-in menu which appears on the left "Site Menu"


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