Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Unit 9: Project Planning:

The "[AO2] A preparatory report into current working practice" for web design is still in progress, where I have already researched into current professional web design companies, this is shown in the post of “
Wednesday, October 04, 2006”. I have now researched into the features that current exist in existing Korean bands’ websites as well as the pages they all contain. I have found that all websites features pages of “Background Information about the band”, “Profiles”, “Schedule”, “News & Notices”, “Discography”, “Multimedia” and “Fan-board”; many of the pages liked to use music players and video players, where they all had a selection of their music and music videos. Using the research I found today, I have a rough idea of what needs to be featured on my client’s website.

My teacher has given me a help sheet for the Unit 9 Self Assessement, where she has pointed out what I would need to include in my blogs, and in my tasks. I will need to send an email to my teacher with the address to my blog, so that she can give me back feedback about aiming for the higher level marks.