Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Unit 14: Developing and creating websites

Today, we got introduced to JavaScript, where we looked at scripts used for background music, where music will play when the webpage loads, the format of the background music is usually in midi format.

Here are the midi music players/jukeboxes I found:


Even though these scripts of music players will work fine with what I am looking for; however they are midi formats, where I found that they do not produce good sound qualities and the graphics of the music players/jukeboxes are not very appealing.

Therefore I researched on the internet and found that there are many softwares, which generate music players for mp3. I am currently looking for an mp3 jukebox, where the user would be able to choose which track they would like to listen to, as well as having the option to press play and stop; which will be very useful for the website I will be doing, as I would want this type of facility on a music bands website.

I have found a very good website with creating flash mp3 music players, where I like the design of the music player and they also provide a number of different options of these players: http://www.premiumbeat.com/flash_resources/free_flash_music_player/ .

I like the “Multiple Tracks Flash Mp3 Player” as I can input many music tracks the band has done also it is very easy to use. However the instructions of creating this multiple track flash mp3 player looks very complicated: http://www.premiumbeat.com/flash_resources/free_flash_music_player/multiple_tracks_mp3_player.php

I will still attempt to create this music player for my client as this is the only player I could find that was modern, had a good design to it and was easy to use.


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